Thursday, May 17, 2012



There are ways to accomplish in your goals. and I am doing the same as well. My life has turn around. and really trying to achieve them. I am looking for some kind of art classes that i can take. like ceramics and i am looking into it. Thomas kinkade is the reason why i want to become a great artist like him. he inspires me. with all of his great work. and that is why he is the painter of light. I would love to do something like that. I also like to crochet alot. and been getting alot of comments on my work. and my friends and family are impress with what i can do. last night my friend blaine wants me to make him a cool hat. and i said sure. and he is gonna go pick out the colors he wants and i will be putting it together. he even says he will pay me too. This is what kylene loves to do. and this is what she is. and loves to do. This is what she wants to do for the rest of her life. and hopefully one day she will have the family she always wanted to have...